Best in Show at the Finnish Winner Show, Voittaja 2021, was Reijo Portala’s Scottish Terrier Quaint Sherry Perry. The breeder of the dog is also Reijo Portala. Best in Show judge was Marja Talvitie.

The Best Veteran of the show was Lhasa Apso Chic Choix Diamella Inspiration, owners Jaana Karenmaa-Nurminen and Tiina Karenmaa-Virtanen. The Best Veteran was chosen by Julija Aidietiene.

The Finnish Champion in Junior Handling is Ella Ruuni. The Finnish Championship competition was judged by Alice Varchi from Italy.

Government Working Dogs of the Year were awarded at the fair. The Finnish Kennel Club awards annually the Government Working Dogs of the Year chosen by the Police of Finland, The Finnish Defence Forces, Finnish Border Guard, Criminal Sanctions Agency, and Customs. This year, the Government Working Dogs of both 2020 and 2021 were awarded. Chair of the Finnish Kennel Club’s Trial and Competition Committee handed out the prizes on Saturday at Dog Fair Finland. More information in Finnish here.

Visitors of Dog Fair Finland were respectful towards different health safety guidelines. There was a good and hurryfee atmosphere at the event. The number of visitors was about two thirds from the usual and the halls were much more spacious. COVID-19 passports and face masks were required of all visitors.

- Participants make an event. I want to thank everyone who took part in Dog Fair Finland for good cooperation, we made this event a successful one together, says Chair of the Winner Show Committee Kari Järvinen.

The programme of Dog Fair Finland culminated in the dog show group finals at the Arena of Messukeskus.

Dogs of the Year were awarded

The most successful show dogs, breeders and veterans of years 2020 and 2021 were awarded at the show. The Show Dog of the Year 2020 is Clingstone’s Make My Day, owner and breeder Satu Asikainen. The Show Dog of the Year 2021 is Reijo Portala’s Scottish Terrier Quaint Sherry Perry. The Breeder of the Year 2020 is kennel Eerondaali with Keeshonds, owner Petri Turunen. The Breeder of the Year 2021 is kennel Memorylane with Bearded Collies, owner Nina Brusin. Veteran of the Year 2020 is Valentina Popova’s Scottish Terrier Filisite Brash Koh-I-Noor. Veteran of the Year 2021 is the Keeshond Eerondaali Nightwish, owner and breeder Petri Turunen.

All results from the Winner Show weekend can be found here

Voittaja 19.12.2021 BIS

Best in Show at the Finnish Winner Show, Voittaja 2021, was Reijo Portala’s Scottish Terrier Quaint Sherry Perry. The Best in Show trophy was awarded by Best in Show judge Marja Talvitie, Royal Canin Oy’s Account Manager Riitta Niemelä, Chair of the Winner Show Committee Kari Järvinen, and Country Manager of Agria Eläinvakuutus Anna Linder.

Photo: Jukka Pätynen /

BIS vet 19.12.2021

The Best Veteran of the show was Lhasa Apso Chic Choix Diamella Inspiration, owners Jaana Karenmaa-Nurminen and Tiina Karenmaa-Virtanen. The Best Veteran was chosen by Julija Aidietiene. Photo: DogXpress/Heidi Örling

Junior handler suomenmestari 19.12.2021

 The Finnish Champion 2021 in Junior Handling is Ella Ruuni. The Finnish Championship competition was judged by Alice Varchi from Italy. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling. Photo: DogXpress/Heidi Örling

Vuoden näyttelykoira 2021
Show Dog of the Year 2021

The Show Dog of the Year, the Veteran of the Year, and the Breeder of the Year were awarded in connection with the final competitions of the Finnish Winner Show. Photo: Jukka Pätynen /

Dog Fair Finland is a three-day event next year, since the Nordic Winner Show is organized in Helsinki. Welcome to Messukeskus 2-4.12.2022!